21 February 2009


There wasn't a strike. The evening news channel I watch didn't mention anything on Thursday, actually, and then Friday when it was apparent that it didn't happen, they said the government appointed a committee to review a report submitted by the petroleum dealers to see what if any increases or changes will be made.

In other news....

Thursday I wish I had my camera with me. The service was nice. I marched with a grade 4 class from the town hall to the Catholic church. When we got there and were finding seats, there wasn't room for me with VF Primary students, but then the District Education Officer's secretary told me I was an invited guest, so I got to sit up front. I hadn't received my invitation due to some confusion at the suboffice, but I'm glad I showed up! There was lots of singing, certificates given to teachers who had been in the profession for 30 years or more, and speeches by several people. I got to sit just behind Dr. Kenny Anthony, our district representative and former prime minister. I also met a former PCV who served in 2005-07, whose name I've heard in the different schools with great esteem--she introduced character education to the District 6 schools. And of course there was "snack" (a full lunch for me!) after the service for the invited guests.

I felt like a minor celebrity all day, from the seating to the food to children (mostly as usual) waving me and shouting my name. Most adorably there was a little preschool girl outside the grocery store who saw me and said loudly "Mummy that's the one--" and then much more quietly "Mummy that's the one who was at the town hall!"

Yesterday I worked on a farm not too far away. This farmer is just starting out, and intends for his crops to be as organic as possible, so there were lots of weeds to weed and such. They fed us a delicious rice dish for lunch, and we all got coconuts to drink. I don't usually like coconut water, but after working a few hours weeding and whacking at taller grasses with a cutlass (a machete), it was excellent. It's a perfect refresher, better than water, because it has electrolytes (like Gatorade, etc) but few calories.

After the workday at the farm I washed up (walking home a woman asked me, "Did you fall?" because I was covered in dirt) and headed into town to see the show at Primary. I did get some pictures from that though. One great part was when a singer was singing "Try to make a platinum song, chicken back boy" to the tune of "Duffle Bag Boy" by Playaz Circle. The kids got to shout the last three words, they loved it.

An exciting couple of days, and this next week will be busy in good ways, too.


Vick said...

So, I hope you were able to get some kerosene. The students look so cute, what great pictures. Everything is status quo here. I will go to Odessa tomorrow after church to stay with Tiff next week as she is having the cerclage (stitch) removed on Monday and allowed to get up. We'll see how long she goes. She will be 36 weeks on Monday. Love your blogs--Vicki

~Crazy/Beautiful~ said...

awww you said cutlass! I haven't heard that word in so long. man I miss home...I can't wait to come back so I can meet all you wonderful PCV's! Continue doing a great job on the island!!!